Your Mother’s Day Gift Idea that keeps on giving!
Ashok Kohli
It’s for sure one of the most important days of the year for a Mother and just as important for us children to remember her. Not only are we celebrating the commitment our Mothers make to love, care and guide us little human beings to be intelligent, contributing adults in society. We also celebrate all the milestones and memories of our Mothers that we have made along our shared journey in life. This can make buying Mom a Mother’s Day gift, feel like so stressful. And depending on our personalities, the pressure of a the ‘right’ gift can leave us procrastinating, buying something in haste without meaning and at the very worst, leave us empty handed without anything for our Mom expect possibly a bought card.

Acknowledge Your Mom with a Cute Teddy Bear:
There is an annual concern that we are never knowing just how to appreciate our Moms, no matter how old we are as children. I want to invite you to no longer let it be a pressure for you. I want you to reopen that youthful childlike heart inside you and understand that as Mother’s Day is a way to acknowledge your Mom for what makes you appreciate her so much, there is no better way than to do it with a personalized teddy bear. And here are all our reason why. If you are near or far from your Mom, this thoughtful, loving gesture will light up her fondest memories and warm her heart. Quickly becoming her trusted companion in the home and a reminder of you and your meaningful relationship. The teddy bear can offer a welcoming extension to peace, a refreshed connection, it can represent forgiveness, a new start for those relationships that may have become estranged. Let the teddy bear represent your personalized bond between you and your Mother.
February 15, 1903 the first teddy bear goes on sale by Morris Michtom, named after the US President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
May 9, 1914, the first Mother’s Day. proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson
The Teddy and Mother’s Day combination:
Today teddy bears and Mothers Day are 100 plus year old traditions that remain a ritual in many of our rights to passage in life. The plush toy has been around for over 100 years as a toy and gift for a reason. Often acting as an object of connection based in history and its ability to bond people. Teddy bears awaken the human condition of nurturing and are a strong companion in our childhood representing for many of us, our earliest emotional connections. A stuffed toy can be a favorite loving memory for many years. Love, Kindness, Care, Tenderness, Humanity, Empathy, Compassion, Gentleness, Guardianship, Safety, are a few of the the symbolic meanings that are embedded in the ownership of our teddy bears. When I think back to my earliest relationships growing up, there is the strong presence of a teddy bears as they were lining the book shelves of my bedroom. From the time I was a young girl opening gifts for my birthday, to a young adult opening gifts from my boyfriend. The teddy bear in its many versions, was always a universal symbol for being loved and someone being kind to me. I really appreciated those bears and my collection continues to grow to this day!

A Long Lasting & Mother Memorable Gift:
Moving always presents a special occasion for revisiting my bear collection. As I open the bags that store my gifted stuffed animals that I have kept over the last 30 years I notice the feelings and memories that overcome me as I hold each bear in my hands, revisiting the moment it was gifted to me followed closely with the memories that belong to the person who gave me the bear. I have been caught hugging my Mom’s favorite bear that she gave to me a year before she passed away from a sudden stroke. Today it is one of my most treasured items in my whole house. It is my companion when I wish for her presence and stands as a substitute as a place for me to put my tears and hugs when I crave the love of my Mother, as many of us do when they pass away. The natural urge to care, to love and to hug are felt by Mothers, and the plush toy teddy bear is a constant symbol of this. A plush toy, even in today’s modern world when kids are so engaged with their computer games, are still a welcomed gift in the arms of many and will never disappear as an important, meaningful gift to offer someone as a gesture to the meaning in their relationship.

Value Your Mom as Your Responsibility:
Even as adults, in a world of separateness due to the efficiencies of technology. We are feeling emotionally distant from those we care about. Our efforts to connect virtually keep us up to date on details but keep us separate from the positive energetic effects of being in proximity. An in person smile, a hug are now replaced with pixels and dots on a screen creating a virtual image of our family member. Distance in relationship with our Mom’s can be a difficult thing to manage, especially as we grow older and our lives expand and we gain more responsibilities with our careers and families of our own. Along with distance is our time. Time is the irreplaceable commodity, so spending it, needs to be a mindful process. We need to get intentional about how to, where and who we use it with. And though relationships with our Mom are important, we can tend to push them aside for our more immediate partners and children. The teddy bear does the best job at symbolizing our feelings towards someone we are in relationship with by keeping the gift personal, memorable, lasting and priceless. And those very same teddy bears are the ones to notice, in different sizes sitting on my clients and colleagues desks next to their computers. I see them sitting on car dashes accompanying them on their daily commute, placed tenderly on chairs and couches near the fireplace or TV. My mom used to keep hers on the bed. All of the reasons which makes it a great gift idea for Mothers Day. Personalized teddy bears have truly become a meaningful accessory in every room of our homes and offices. A symbol representing the relationship with the person who gifted us the bear. A way to keep them in our memories.
Connect with Your Mom and Make her Feel Special:
This Mother’s Day, as a mother, who celebrates this occasion, and who prefers to have my gift be something thoughtful, personal, memorable and inexpensive. A soft, plush teddy bear would be welcomed gift! I love the times I get to share together with my children; a chat over dinner table, a drawing made together, special outings. But when these moments can’t happen, then my ideal replacement would be a personalized gift. Something that offers me the touch of their personal thought, a consideration, a one of a kind meaningful item to look at and back to when I want to feel connected to them. Teddy bears have a depth of character that other toys don’t offer and they can be personalized. Giving your mom a plush toy teddy bear to hold near when you are far or unable to connect is a meaningful gift that can provide comfort and joy.
“You’re never too old for a teddy bear”
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